About the Journal

CogniTextes is the scientific exchange platform of the French Association for Cognitive Linguistics (AFLiCo). Created in 2005 by Maarten Lemmens, the association aims to establish a network of contacts and discussion between different researchers whose work falls within the field of cognitive linguistics, or who are interested in it, and who wish to participate in the development of studies in the field. CogniTextes publishes high-quality articles that present innovative and original research.

Since 2007 CogniTextes has provided a dynamic publishing forum for researchers who work with cognitive-functional linguistics tools and models, as well as those who question them. Its editorial and scientific committees monitor the quality of the papers it publishes and their relevance to cognitive linguistics. CogniTextes also welcomes contributions that explicitly elaborate the points of overlap and divergence between cognitive linguistics and other theoretical approaches, as well as the new developments and discussions to which it has given rise in France. As its name suggests, CogniTextes also publishes cognitive research in the fields of stylistics and discourse structure, including multimodal analysis. CogniTextes differs from international journals such as Cognitive Linguistics (Mouton De Gruyter) or Review of Cognitive Linguistics (John Benjamins) in that it is an open forum offering open access publication. Finally, CogniTextes is an online journal and therefore has the advantage of allowing authors to insert colour images or video extracts related to their articles scientific work.