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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


(Une version française de cette page est disponible à cette adresse :

Editorial line

CogniTextes is a journal specialized in cognitive linguistics, broadly construed. This covers in particular (but not exclusively) cognitively-oriented approaches developed in the 1980s on the West coast of the United States and nowadays largely used throughout Europe. We also accept contributions couched in similar frameworks, and more generally any research investigating language from the perspective of human cognition.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of categories of research covered by our editorial line:

  • Research in the “traditional” areas of cognitive linguistics: cognitive grammar, construction grammar, usage-based linguistics, metaphors, conceptualization, categorization, multimodality, onomasiological/semasiological variation, linguistic relativity, etc.

  • Any work drawing on the theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics as illustrated above, in any field of inquiry: for instance diachrony, sociolinguistics, linguistic typology, language acquisition, language teaching, etc.

  • Research drawing on similar or compatible theoretical frameworks. In particular, we welcome contributions using cognitively oriented approaches developed and/or used in France, especially if these contributions emphasize the continuity between these approaches and cognitive linguistics: Culioli’s theory of predicative and enunciative operations, Guillaume’s psychomecanics of language, Cadiot and Visetti’s theory of schematic forms, etc.

  • Any contribution concerned with language in a cognitive perspective. This notably includes the typical areas of psycholinguistics: first and second language acquisition, language processing (comprehension/production), language pathology, neurolinguistics, etc.

  • Any contribution lying within the scope of cognitive sciences (psychology, artificial intelligence, philosophy, neurosciences, linguistics, anthropology) and concerned with language in particular.

Submission guidelines

Authors who wish to submit an article are kindly requested to follow the following guidelines. Any submission that does not follow these guidelines will automatically be returned to the author.

1) Submissions should be fully anonymous. References to your earlier work should be such that they are distinguishable from references to works by others, and formulated in such a way that you cannot be identified as the author of the submission. If this does not prove possible, you will have to substitute your name for an anonymous descriptor (e.g., “AUTHOR”), without including the details of the reference in the bibliography (they will be provided in the final version only).

2) Articles should have an abstract of about 200 words, in a separate paragraph following the title. For articles in English, we kindly ask authors to provide an abstract in French, and vice versa. If you don’t speak French, we’ll be happy to translate the abstract for you.

3) Three to five keywords must be provided with every article, below the abstract.

4) Contributions can be either in English or in French; the choice of language will not influence the assessment of the manuscript. It is advised that non-native speakers have their English or French manuscript proof-read by native speakers.

5) Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic form (Word, OpenOffice or PDF) to the editors at the following address: The body of the email should specify the name of the author(s), affiliation(s), email, surface mail address. Note that we will eventually need a Word version (or Word-compatible) for the online publication.

6) Submissions should follow the journal’s style sheet to the best extent possible. The style sheet can be downloaded on this page (see “Documents annexes” below). It notably lists paragraph styles that must be assigned to the different parts of the article to allow its online publication. Numbered examples must be formatted as tables. To facilitate typesetting, a template file for Word is also made available to authors on this page; we recommend using it when writing the article.

7) We do not put strict limits on the length of articles, but we encourage submissions of up to 10,000 words. At any rate, it is essential that articles have an adequate content/length ratio.

8) If your submission includes special characters (e.g. phonetic symbols, non-european characters, exceptional diacritical marks), please only use a Unicode font so as to avoid character problems when your text will be uploaded on our web platform. If your computer is not set up with a Unicode font, we recommend you to download and install the free software fonts DejaVu (

It is possible to attach audiovisual documents to articles, which is especially helpful for contributions on sign languages, co-speech gestures, prosody, etc. This is a great advantage of online journals over traditional paper-based formats. Such extracts can be directly inserted in the text (just like a figure) and played on demand while reading the article online by means of streaming software (see George Dunbar’s Phonetic and functional aspects of speech laughter: towards an expressive cognitive phonology from Volume 11 for an example).

To insure compatibility with the widest range of systems, it is recommended to authors that they compress their media files using common formats: for instance H.264, Xvid, DivX for video, MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis or WAV for audio, MP4, AVI or MOV as video container. Proprietary formats, such as WMA, WMV (Microsoft), AIFF (Apple), Cinepak, RealVideo/RealAudio, and other “exotic” software, are to be avoided. Disregarding these recommendations could make it impossible to put your files online. Authors are also requested to make sure they are at ease with the technical aspects of their multimedia work, or to approach a competent person if they are not.

Evaluation procedure

Upon receiving a manuscript, a first internal review is done by the editorial committee. The submission is examined so as to determine if it fits the journal’s editorial line, and if it meets the minimal standards of scientific quality, especially regarding language, presentation, and general coherence. If there is a problem, the author(s) is/are either sent a notification of rejection, or offered to revise the manuscript appropriately and re-submit it.

The next step is the actual evaluation of the article (external review). CogniTextes is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal: each submission is reviewed by two external experts appointed by the journal. As much as possible, one national expert and one international expert are appointed for every submission. The author’s identity is not known by the reviewers, and conversely. We ask reviewers to turn in their report within six weeks after we send them the manuscript, but this might take longer according to their availability.

The decision whether to accept the article for publication or not is taken by the editorial committee according to the reports sent by the reviewers and their final recommendation. If the two reviewers give different recommendations, the committee will decide, or, exceptionally in case of wide disagreement between the two reviewers, may appoint a third reviewer. At all events, the reviewer’s reports will be sent to the author with the final decision.

In the (typical) case that the reviewers ask for revisions on a submission, the author is requested to comply and modify his/her manuscript accordingly. A detailed revision report listing all of the reviewers’ comments and how the text was modified accordingly has to be sent along with the revised version. The publication of the article is subject to the condition that the author addresses the author’s comment appropriately. Revisions are normally checked by the editor in charge of the submission, but they may also be forwarded to the reviewers if necessary. Once the article is accepted, we may further edit it so that its formatting matches the style of the journal, or to ask the author for such modifications.

The articles can in principle be put online as soon as they are ready to be published, although publication can be held up if we are expecting other manuscripts to complete the next issue. To the extent possible, we usually try to publish papers in the same year that it has been accepted.

Thematic issues

We can also publish thematic issues edited by scholars who are not members of the CogniTextes team. Thematic issues can be invited by the editorial committee or come from spontaneous proposals. In both cases, all articles are also submitted to anonymous peer reviewing. CogniTextes will be the preferred publication platform for communications presented at the AFLiCo international conference.


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