Editorial Team

Gaëlle Perrot, Editor-in-Chief, managing director of the journal, Post-doctoral researcher in the CRRITIC project, Nantes Université, CRHIA, PhD in Roman history, associate researcher at HiSoMA

Fabien Bièvre-Perrin, Editor-in-Chief, in charge of book reviews, Lecturer at Université de Lorraine, SAMA,

Vincent Chollier, Editor-in-Chief and managing editor, PhD in Egyptology, Editor at Université Lumière Lyon 2, associate researcher at HiSoMA

Marine Lépée, Editor-in-Chief, in charge of the varia section, Scientific member of the Antiquity Section, École française de Rome, associate researcher at the ArAr laboratory

Loubna Ayeb, ArchéOrient, PhD in Assyriology

Reine-Marie Bérard, Centre Camille Jullian, Researcher in Greek Archaeology at the CNRS

Haude Morvan, Ausonius, Lecturer in Medieval Art History at Université Bordeaux Montaigne

Élise Pampanay, HiSoMA, PhD in Greek Epigraphy, Associate Professor in Classics